Selling with ArrangeMeusing Noteflight

Instantly Publish Your Compositions and Arrangements

With ArrangeMe, you can sell original music and arrangements of copyrighted and public domain works right from your Noteflight Premium account. Your Noteflight scores will be sold in Noteflight Marketplace, plus on Sheet Music Plus and Sheet Music Direct.

ArrangeMe offers a song catalog of over two million songs that are allowed to be arranged and sold.
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Seller Benefits

  • Earn money for your music. Receive a 50% commission for original compositions and arrangements of public domain works and a 10% commission on arrangements of copyrighted works. 

  • Sell your music as an interactive experience. All scores are sold using the Interactive Viewer, plus available as Noteflight notation files on Noteflight Marketplace. Buyers have the flexibility to hear and adapt as needed before printing.

  • Share your music instantly. Your score URL is instantly shareable on Noteflight Marketplace once your music is for sale. Share your music through social media, email and more!

  • Reach a worldwide audience. Your music is for sale on the worlds largest sheet music sites and you can see all sales through one convenient ArrangeMe dashboard.  

  • Allow your compositions to transform. You may choose to let other arrangers sell their own arrangements of your original work and earn a 40% commission off of those sales. 

Start Selling

Noteflight Premium can create a free ArrangeMe account and start selling interactive titles right away.